feedback from our guests

Anecdotas de Nuestros Visitantes

Garfield and Hannah. London, England
"A La Famiglia Cigala... a more memorable honeymoon we could have no wished for. Superlative....
Natty et Jean Paul Belmondo. Paris, France
"Merci a toute l´equipe de la cigala, nous avons passé un sejour idylliaque. Grace a...
Douglas Porrill. South Africa
"As luck would have it, we arrived just in time for two ice cold beers,...
Eliane et Jean Michel Le Petit. France
"Merci pour l'accueil, l'excellente cuisine, la parfaite organisation, et l'atmosphere tout a fait peculiere de...
Revista Domingo "Remodelada La Cigala" - Valentina Quintero
Remodelada La Cigala Cada vez que voy a Los Roques me asombra el esmero que ponen los dueños de las posadas en renovarse, siempre con el deseo de hacerle la
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Sunday Times "Los Roques: Seeing stars on the sleepy lagoon" - Andrew Thomas
Leonardo DiCaprio, Shakira and Harrison Ford are fans; Gérard Depardieu is a regular. Melanie Griffith, Antonio Banderas and Francis Ford Coppola toured the islands for a millennium sailing holiday. To
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Sunday Times "The 20 best winter sun destinations" - Chris Haslam
Imagine an archipelago of 351 coral islands, scattered in seas so shallow that you could almost wade between them, virtually unpopulated and fringed with more than 1,000 untouched beaches. Add
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Panorama Travel - Marisa Dei Michei
Gestita da un’italiana sposata a un venezuelano, ha un meraviglioso giardino zen su cui si affacciano le otto camere. Prezzi: 80 dollari a persona  con trattamento di bed & breakfast, 100 dollari con la
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Le Figaro Le coup de coeur - Bénédicte Menu
La Cigala ( à Los Roques. Une charmante petite pousada de 9 chambres où Enrique et Liliana offrent un accueil chaleureux auquel ont pu goûter Jean-Paul Belmondo et Christian Vadim.
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