Lo que Dice la Prensa

Le Figaro Le coup de coeur - Bénédicte Menu
La Cigala (www.lacigala.com) à Los Roques. Une charmante petite pousada de 9 chambres où Enrique...
Rum & Reggae Caribbean 2000
"The bright orange building at the entrance to the town of El Gran Roque is...
Panorama Travel - Marisa Dei Michei
Gestita da un’italiana sposata a un venezuelano, ha un meraviglioso giardino zen su cui si affacciano le otto...
Travel & Leisure - Thomas Kohnstamm
The 50-plus islands of Los Roques, which lie scattered across 850 square miles of the...
Douglas Porrill. South Africa

"As luck would have it, we arrived just in time for two ice cold beers, delivered by an extremely good natured fellow from behind the bar. The setting is superb, the atmosphere completely relaxed. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable experience."

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